Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses light and a light-sensitive dye to treat cancer and other diseases. It is also being tested for the treatment of bacterial infection and skin conditions such as psoriasis. During the procedure, a photosensitized dye or drug is injected into the problem area, which is then exposed to pulses of a narrow-wavelength beam of light. The dye absorbs this light and produces an active form of oxygen that aids in the destruction of the tumor. PDT ensures high precision by targeting only the tissue in and near the treatment area.
Narrow-band UVB Phototherapy
UVB phototherapy involves shining ultraviolet light on the skin to treat psoriasis and other chronic skin conditions. It is an easier and safer alternative to PUVA treatment (psoralen plus UVA phototherapy). As its name suggests, the light that is used in narrow-band UVB phototherapy is a very specific range of wavelengths in the ultraviolet spectrum – just 311 to 312 nm – that has been shown to most effectively slow the rapid growth of cells and improve the symptoms of psoriasis.
Patients generally receive phototherapy treatments three times per week for about 10 weeks. Exposure time begins at a few seconds and increases with each session. Session lengths are tailored to the patient’s skin type and tolerance. After the skin has cleared, UVB phototherapy may be continued to prolong remission time, or patients may undergo other psoriasis treatments to minimize their exposure to ultraviolet light.
Sciton MicroLaserPeel™

The MicroLaserPeel™ is an intra-epidermal laser peel that precisely ablates the outermost layers of the skin. This procedure can be individually tailored to the skin condition being corrected. It can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and deeper wrinkles, acne scars, age spots, and sun damage.
Those individuals that are looking for more results than microdermabrasion or light chemical peels, and can give and have little time for a prolonged healing process, than a MicroLaserPeel™ would be the perfect treatment. A MicroLaserPeel™ goes deeper than just traditional microdermabrasion, which makes it the perfect step between microdermabrasion and full skin resurfacing. We can tailor the laser to meet each individual’s goals, and address their concerns on an individual basis.
Typically the procedure is repeated 2-4 times, spaced 4-6 weeks apart, but this can vary depending on the depth of the procedure and how much downtime a person can have to achieve their desired result. Pre and post care is very important and a skincare regimen will be tailored to fit your skin care needs in order to achieve the best result possible and to protect your investment.
Sciton Profractional™

Profractional™ is a laser procedure used for improving the overall appearance of your skin. The Profractional™ uses laser energy to create thousands of microscopic channels in the skin, which are surrounded by areas of healthy, untreated skin. The zones of untreated skin invigorate the body’s natural healing process and the treated areas stimulate production of new collagen, plumping up the skin and smoothing out wrinkles, lines, scars, and other irregularities.
Most areas can be treated. Popular areas to treat are the face, neck, chest, and hands. Typically, one will need 2-4 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. The number of treatments needed depends on the energy used, the severity of the condition being treated, and each individual’s skincare goal. This treatment can be combined with MicroLaserPeel™ or other popular aesthetic procedures, to further enhance your treatment results.
As with MicroLaserPeel™, appropriate skincare is needed before and after treatment to achieve the best results and protect your investment. Sun protection and sun avoidance is also important to achieve optimum result.
Exilis Reduces Fat and Contours the Body
BTL’s Exilis offers a revolutionary non-invasive form of treatment for the reduction of wrinkles and for the reshaping of targeted fat deposits. Exilis also complements pre and post treatment in invasive liposuction techniques. Exilis treatments can postpone or eliminate the need for invasive surgery particularly for patients with mild to moderate fat deposits and who may not be candidates for lipoplasty.
Exilis Tightens Skin and Reduces Wrinkles
Exilis further provides fast and effective skin tightening, as well as treatment of wrinkles and rhytids, with visible results often after the first session.